Atkins & Barder High Quality Fish Ingredients

Atkins & Barder was set up in 1989 with a clear and specific agenda; to supply high quality fish ingredients to the Food Manufacturing Industry within the U.K. and Europe.

During the early 1980's, when fish farming and in particular salmon farming was in its infancy, the personnel of Atkins & Barder were doing their apprenticeship with what has become the fish supply of the future. Atkins & Barder's staff consequently now have a vast hands-on experience in growing, processing and smoking farmed fish.

Since 1989 Atkins & Barder's customers have developed and successfully marketed in all the major U.K. and French supermarket chains. With well over 100 different convenience ready meals including soups, pates, quiches, flans, pies and fish cakes all using Atkins & Barder's fish ingredients. The added experience and knowledge gleaned from the various development departments, which we always work so closely with, has been beneficial to past and present customers.

The end result is that Atkins & Barder can offer the complete package. A full range of fish ingredients, together with the technical and hand-on experience necessary for the food processor of today.

Roger Barder

Partner,  Atkins & Barder

Office Hours: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Monday to Friday
Address: Avon House
The Green
Hartley Wintney
RG27 8RY
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)1252 842784
5 lines
Facsimile: +44 (0)1252 845245
Mobile: +44 (0)7850 271127
Out of Office hours
E-mail: Contact Us
Partner Website: Salmon Trader